Monday, December 23, 2019

Victory in the North Us Civil War - 1003 Words

| Victory in The North | A synopsis on the outcome of the U.S. Civil War | | [Type the author name] | 11/6/2010 | | Since the final battle of the American Civil War was fought in 1865, scholars have debated the reasons for the Union’s victory over the Confederacy. Historians have attributed the war’s outcome to many factors, some of which include Lincoln’s superior leadership, the South’s failure to diplomatically secure foreign intervention, emancipated slaves enlisting in the Union army, and the military strategies employed by the North’s generals. Both the Union and Confederacy expected a quick victory, each believing it possessed several advantages over the other. In the end, however, the North’s overwhelming†¦show more content†¦The North had a better transportation network which aided in their victory of the war. The excellent and extensive railway system linked the cities and allowed cheap and quick movement of the troops and supplies. Key to the North’s victory in this area was in the management of the supplies and logistics by Uni on officials such as Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs and military railroad administrators Daniel McCallum and Herman Haupt. According to author James McPherson, these men and other officials â€Å"organized the northern economy and the logistical flow of supplies to Union armies with unprecedented efficiency and abundance in which the Confederacy could not match (139).† The South, on the other hand, committed to a cotton economy and decided to remain with inefficient manual labor - slave labor - as its path to future growth. It rejected building its own factories, preferring to ship cotton to mills in New England and relying on exports to England. A system such as this would inevitably be unable to compete with the more efficient North in the long term, particularly in the areas of communications, mechanical labor, logistics, and agriculture and food production. Industrialization therefore would prove to be the final nail in the South’s coffin as it were, affec ting the outcome of the Civil WarShow MoreRelatedAggression : The Export Of Violence927 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Civil War. Both the North and South were fighting for their version of democracy in the Civil War. Lincoln optimized this in his closing line of the Gettysburg Address, â€Å"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.† Several battles for both sides added to the attrition efforts and almost achieved a decisive victory but fell short. America felt the effects of battles on the home front and the political twisting that came with a war threateningRead MoreThe Civil War : The Greatest And Most Catastrophic War Essay1275 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil War is an essential event in America s history. The Civil War determined what kind of nation the United States would be. 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